Friday, February 3, 2012

The Key To A Flat Stomach

The Key To A Flat Stomach

Can you obtain a rock hard stomach from a plastic pillow? What about a wheelbarrow? It would be nice if you could, which is why SO MANY people bought those frightening abdominal "rockers" and "wheels". On one box, I saw something like "Over 250,000 sold", which means that over 250,000 individuals wasted their time and money on an overblown bird feeder. First off, FAT IS THE ONLY REASON WHY THE ABS (STOMACH MUSCLES) ARE INVISIBLE. Case closed! Even if you perform thousands of crunches each day, OR EVEN ALL DAY, you will NEVER HAVE A FIRM MID-SECTION WHEN FAT HIDES THE UNDERLYING MUSCLE! The key to losing this stored fat is PROPER DIET -- you can even neglect exercise completely, and if you follow an effective diet routine, you will burn body fat (exercise simply enhances the rate of fat loss WHEN YOU FOLLOW A PROPER DIET)!
The makers of these machines are well aware of this fact, which is why they include a diet program with each of these contraptions. They hope the user follows the diet plan, and attributes any improvement in their appearance to the dummy machine.Wow! It's nice to see ethical behavior has taken the world by storm! But let's now examine WHY the machine doesn't work. Each of these contraptions, by nature, are designed to make a stomach crunch EASIER, which does NOTHING to increase firmness and improve tone in your mid-section! In fact, to make crunches effective, you need to increase, not decrease, resistance, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what these gadgets offer. Unfortunately, there is NO machine in existence today that can offer you such stimulation, so stop searching. Remember, you NEED TO LOSE FAT FROM THE MID-SECTION TO DISPLAY A FIRM, ATHLETIC STOMACH, and toy store items like these abdominal chairs and wheels will only eat up your hard earned money. LOSE THE FAT through proper diet (WHICH IS THE PRIMARY FACTOR), and CORRECTLY perform crunches (that require NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT), to tone your abs. But remember -- YOU CAN'T DEFINE YOUR MID-SECTION WITHOUT LOSING FAT, THUS CRUNCHES WITHOUT PROPER DIET ARE WORTHLESS! Many perform crunches while following an ineffective diet routine, and achieve NOTHING, so never forget that proper diet is CRUCIAL! No special machines -- no awkward, uncomfortable exercises -- it's not as difficult as people think!

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